
Supercharge your podcast production.

Save time and level-up your podcasting workflow with Spectral.


Supercharge your podcast production.

Save time and level-up your podcasting workflow with Spectral.


Supercharge your podcast production.

Save time and level-up your podcasting workflow with Spectral.


Episode Editing

Sign up and submit your first edit request in minutes. Our excellent editors convert your conversations into engaging audio stories in ~72 hours.

Viral Socials 🔥

Instantly generate engaging Tweet threads and LinkedIn posts to promote your episode.

Accurate Transcripts + Powerful Show Notes 📝

Spectral uses OpenAI's Whisper to generate accurate transcripts and compelling show notes for your episodes.

Personalize with AI ✨

No more generic ChatGPT garble — train Spectral based on your unique writing style. Connect your existing accounts (Twitter and Substack, for example) and you're all set!

Add Creative References ♥️

Want your podcast to be like Lex Fridman's? Or maybe Andrew Huberman? Spectral can draw inspiration from your favorite podcast creator.

Coming soon.. 🚀

- Visual Assets - SEO-friendly blog posts - more!


Supercharge your podcast production workflow.


Frequently asked questions.

Which pricing plan is right for me?

Spectral uses AI to create engaging titles, transcripts, show notes, and promotional content for your podcast episodes. The output is based on your unique writing style and/or creative references of your choice.

Which pricing plan is right for me?

Which pricing plan is right for me?

Which pricing plan is right for me?

Which pricing plan is right for me?

Which pricing plan is right for me?

Which pricing plan is right for me?